
English / ESL 11 99

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Christmas Vocabulary picture
Christmas Vocabulary picture Diagramme étiqueté
ED/ING Adjectives Speaking
ED/ING Adjectives Speaking Roue aléatoire
I WISH... IF ONLY... Roue aléatoire
Speaking have to
Speaking have to Cartes aléatoires
Winter Holidays speaking
Winter Holidays speaking Cartes aléatoires
Christmas Vocabulary Quiz
Christmas Vocabulary Quiz Quiz
Plural Trier par groupe
Plural nouns
Plural nouns Quiz
Warm-up Speaking
Warm-up Speaking Roue aléatoire
Christmas / New Year speaking
Christmas / New Year speaking Cartes aléatoires
Irregular verbs (kids)
Irregular verbs (kids) Trouver la correspondance
I wish (speaking)
I wish (speaking) Roue aléatoire
Speaking 8 (teens)
Speaking 8 (teens) Roue aléatoire
Numbers 11-99
Numbers 11-99 Apparier
Найди пару (11..99)
Найди пару (11..99) Des paires
People description
People description Diagramme étiqueté
Degrees of comparison
Degrees of comparison Quiz
Fruits Trouver la correspondance
I wish/if only sentences
I wish/if only sentences Roue aléatoire
Appearance - speaking (What does he/she look like?)
Appearance - speaking (What does he/she look like?) Cartes aléatoires
Describe the person
Describe the person Cartes aléatoires
Have to Solutions Elementary
Have to Solutions Elementary Cartes aléatoires
Past Continuous (questions)
Past Continuous (questions) Roue aléatoire
Personality adjectives (speaking)
Personality adjectives (speaking) Ouvrir la boîte
Сопоставь числа (11..99)
Сопоставь числа (11..99) Apparier
Лабиринт с Соником (11...99)
Лабиринт с Соником (11...99) Poursuite dans le labyrinthe
Classroom language English File Beginner
Classroom language English File Beginner Apparier
Personality adjectives
Personality adjectives Apparier
Make indirect questions
Make indirect questions Démêler
Indirect questions
Indirect questions Quiz
Christmas vocabulary match
Christmas vocabulary match Apparier
Focus 1, 3.4. Reading vocabulary
Focus 1, 3.4. Reading vocabulary Apparier
Friends physical description
Friends physical description Diagramme étiqueté
Phrasal verbs (1,2)
Phrasal verbs (1,2) Quiz
Oxford Phonics 2 (U7)
Oxford Phonics 2 (U7) Quiz
Irregular verbs 1 (beginner)
Irregular verbs 1 (beginner) Frapper-une-taupe
Colours/Farben Roue aléatoire
Am, is, are
Am, is, are Trier par groupe
Допоміжні історичні науки
Допоміжні історичні науки Apparier
Already VS Yet
Already VS Yet Complétez la phrase
Українська революція 1917-1921
Українська революція 1917-1921 Quiz
Київська Русь
Київська Русь Classement par rang
OET B1 unit 1
OET B1 unit 1 Quiz
English File Intermediate: Strong Adjectives
English File Intermediate: Strong Adjectives Fiches de révision
Focus 1 U5 Warmup
Focus 1 U5 Warmup Ouvrir la boîte
Past Perfect
Past Perfect Cartes aléatoires
get 200 b1 unit 1
get 200 b1 unit 1 Complétez la phrase
Oxford exam trainer B1 unit 8
Oxford exam trainer B1 unit 8 Trier par groupe
 Past perfect
Past perfect Quiz
Past Simple/Past Perfect
Past Simple/Past Perfect Quiz
There was / There were
There was / There were Cartes aléatoires
Present Simple and Present Continuous Questions
Present Simple and Present Continuous Questions Roue aléatoire
Oxford exam trainer B2 unit 1
Oxford exam trainer B2 unit 1 Complétez la phrase
Oxford exam trainer B1 Jobs& Employment
Oxford exam trainer B1 Jobs& Employment Apparier
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