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55 résultats pour « engels »

FF Starter (p. 1- 21) U 1-2
FF Starter (p. 1- 21) U 1-2 Ouvrir la boîte
Let's ...!
Let's ...! Apparier
Unit 1 What's the color?
Unit 1 What's the color? Trouver la correspondance
FF Jobs Starter
FF Jobs Starter Quiz
Дієслова Cartes aléatoires
Дієслова Cartes aléatoires
Solutions 3F Elementary
Solutions 3F Elementary Apparier
St. Valentine's Day
St. Valentine's Day Cartes aléatoires
Mass Media 8 class
Mass Media 8 class Diagramme étiqueté
2 Mitchell Smart Junior Unit 7
2 Mitchell Smart Junior Unit 7 Cartes aléatoires
FF p. 24-26
FF p. 24-26 Cartes aléatoires
Daily routine
Daily routine Cartes aléatoires
restaurant Apparier
Words Anagramme
Words Apparier
in the restaurant
in the restaurant Anagramme
A-G Roue aléatoire
Melani Roue aléatoire
Veronika Words p.1
Veronika Words p.1 Apparier
4-class Test
4-class Test Diagramme étiqueté
8 class Listening
8 class Listening Complétez la phrase
Kiril - 03/06/23
Kiril - 03/06/23 Apparier
9 class Listening
9 class Listening Complétez la phrase
veronika part 2
veronika part 2 Apparier
5-a Listening
5-a Listening Quiz
FF Tidy up
FF Tidy up Mots mêlés
6 class peppa
6 class peppa Complétez la phrase
2 form. All about me
2 form. All about me Fiches de révision
Past Simple
Past Simple Fiches de révision
Past simple(+/-/?)
Past simple(+/-/?) Démêler
St. Valentine's Day
St. Valentine's Day Mots mêlés
Professions Apparier
St. Valentine's Day
St. Valentine's Day Apparier
Everyday routine
Everyday routine Apparier
Subjects Quiz
Family Apparier
reading A0
reading A0 Apparier
Professions Cartes aléatoires
Secret life of pets
Secret life of pets Cartes aléatoires
Frozen (this/that/these/those)
Frozen (this/that/these/those) Quiz
Second Conditional (Hypothetical)
Second Conditional (Hypothetical) Cartes aléatoires
Hallooween idioms
Hallooween idioms Apparier
St. Valentine's Day
St. Valentine's Day Apparier
Present Simple
Present Simple Apparier
match the letters
match the letters Apparier
Appearence Cartes aléatoires
ff 12 Dinner time
ff 12 Dinner time Mots mêlés
Secret life of pets (body parts)
Secret life of pets (body parts) Diagramme étiqueté
To be Sponge Bob
To be Sponge Bob Quiz
Present Simple Peppa Pig (S1E2)
Present Simple Peppa Pig (S1E2) Quiz
Adj - opposites
Adj - opposites Apparier
Емоції Apparier
Емоції Cartes aléatoires
Fairy Tail (anime)
Fairy Tail (anime) Apparier
There is/ There are Minecraft
There is/ There are Minecraft Quiz
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