
English / ESL Vocabulary

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Whose/ Possessive's
Whose/ Possessive's Fiches de révision
Verb+preposition Quiz
Christmas / New Year Phrasal Verbs
Christmas / New Year Phrasal Verbs Apparier
Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous Roue aléatoire
Free-time activities
Free-time activities Trouver la correspondance
BR PI U1 Companies
BR PI U1 Companies Complétez la phrase
Match Countries&Nationalities
Match Countries&Nationalities Apparier
 FF 3 unit 1 Countries
FF 3 unit 1 Countries Apparier
Roadmap A2. unit 4. Review
Roadmap A2. unit 4. Review Cartes aléatoires
Vocabulary B1 Feelings ed /ing
Vocabulary B1 Feelings ed /ing Quiz
Vegetables Diagramme étiqueté
Food Quiz
Full Blast 5 Module 4A Home sweet home
Full Blast 5 Module 4A Home sweet home Diagramme étiqueté
Match Countries&Nationalities
Match Countries&Nationalities Apparier
S3e PI U3E Negative prefixes
S3e PI U3E Negative prefixes Trier par groupe
Food Trouver la correspondance
Christmas Vocabulary Quiz
Christmas Vocabulary Quiz Quiz
S3e PI U3A Films and TV programmes
S3e PI U3A Films and TV programmes Trouver la correspondance
He / She is wearing .....
He / She is wearing ..... Trouver la correspondance
Summer idioms
Summer idioms Apparier
Cooking. Speaking.
Cooking. Speaking. Cartes aléatoires
English file_clothes we wear activity 2
English file_clothes we wear activity 2 Apparier
Full Blast 5 Module 5B Let's order
Full Blast 5 Module 5B Let's order Quiz
Clothes. Part 2 (Karpiuk 2, NUS)
Clothes. Part 2 (Karpiuk 2, NUS) Trouver la correspondance
Food and drinks
Food and drinks Roue aléatoire
EF PI U4A Make or Do
EF PI U4A Make or Do Trier par groupe
GG3 U2.3 ex6 Shops
GG3 U2.3 ex6 Shops Diagramme étiqueté
Emotions Cutting edge Upper
Emotions Cutting edge Upper Apparier
Everyday activities. Roadmap A2+. Unit 1C.
Everyday activities. Roadmap A2+. Unit 1C. Cartes aléatoires
Commonly Confused Words_revision
Commonly Confused Words_revision Quiz
Places in the town
Places in the town Trouver la correspondance
Christmas Vocabulary picture
Christmas Vocabulary picture Diagramme étiqueté
Personal adjectives
Personal adjectives Quiz
Days of the week
Days of the week Apparier
SJ4 M5 Vocabulary
SJ4 M5 Vocabulary Retournez les tuiles
 Warm up
Warm up Roue aléatoire
That's amazing. Vocabulary
That's amazing. Vocabulary Anagramme
Clothes B1
Clothes B1 Complétez la phrase
1-10 numbers
1-10 numbers Anagramme
Texting abbreviations
Texting abbreviations Retournez les tuiles
Daily routines collocations
Daily routines collocations Apparier
computing phrasal verbs (solutions elementary unit 7E)
computing phrasal verbs (solutions elementary unit 7E) Quiz
Warm up
Warm up Roue aléatoire
S PI U1F Painless
S PI U1F Painless Apparier
Phrasal verbs_Daily routines
Phrasal verbs_Daily routines Fiches de révision
S PI U1F Painless
S PI U1F Painless Complétez la phrase
 Go Getter 3 Unit 1.1
Go Getter 3 Unit 1.1 Apparier
What can I have for dinner?
What can I have for dinner? Quiz
Shopping Complétez la phrase
Warm up house
Warm up house Quiz
Warm up seasons + weather
Warm up seasons + weather Quiz
Warm up food
Warm up food Quiz
Days of the week
Days of the week Quiz
Fly High 1 vocabulary hangman 1
Fly High 1 vocabulary hangman 1 Quiz
christmas vocabulary
christmas vocabulary Cartes aléatoires
OET B1. Money. Vocabulary test. Match the words to complete the sentences
OET B1. Money. Vocabulary test. Match the words to complete the sentences Apparier
Fly high units 5-7 vocabulary
Fly high units 5-7 vocabulary Pendu
Go Getter (3) - 4.5 Vocabulary 1
Go Getter (3) - 4.5 Vocabulary 1 Apparier
Oxford Show and tell 2. Unit 4. The weather. Vocabulary
Oxford Show and tell 2. Unit 4. The weather. Vocabulary Ouvrir la boîte
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