DNA - the genetic material that codes for an organisms proteins and traits, Gene - part of the DNA that codes for a specific trait, Trait - a feature or characteristic passed down from the parents, Allele - two forms of the same gene found on each chromosome, Gamete - haploids or sex cells produced by meiosis that only contain 23 chromosomes, Meiosis - the process that creates 4 unique haploids or sex cells, Chromosome - structure that holds condensed DNA, Dominant - allele that takes over and is expressed over the recessive allele, represented by a capital letter, Recessive - allele that is hidden or masked, unless there are two recessive alleles, represented by a lowercase letter, Phenotype - the trait that can be physically observed, ex: blue eyes, Genotype - the genetic make up that codes for the phenotype, represented by letters, Homozygous - the presence of two of the SAME alleles or letters , Heterozygous - the presence of two DIFFERENT,

Genetics Vocabulary



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