How many Fard prayers per day? - 5 prayers, Ist prayer and marks the beginning of fasting - Fajr, 2nd prayer - Thuhr, 3rd prayer - Asr, 4th prayer and marks the end of fasting - Maghrib, 5th and last prayer of the day - Isha, Fajr - 2 Rakkat, Thuhr, Asr, and Isha - 4 Rakkat each, Maghrib - 3 Rakkat, Sunnah of Fajr - 2 Rakkat before Fard, Sunnah of Thuhr - 2 or 4 Rakkat before fard and 2 after, Sunnah of Asr - no Sunnah, Sunnah of Maghrib and Isha - 2 Rakkat after,



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