Walk Away - Someone says something that makes you really upset and you want to scream! , Please Stop - Someone is picking on you and you don't like it. , Ignore - Someone is making an annoying noise. , Share and Take Turns - There is only swing at the playground.  , Go to Another Game - Someone says you can't play with them. , Wait and Cool Off - You and a friend are really angry with one another but want to work out the problem. , Make a Deal (Compromise) - You and your friend want to play different things. , Apologize - You have done something to hurt your friend. , Forgive - Your friend says they are sorry and that they will try not to do what hurt you ever again! , Shake it off - A friend accidently spilled your snack. , Talk it Out (I feel....or It bugs me when...) - A friend has hurt your feelings. You are calm and ready to work out the problem. ,

Friendship Problem Solving


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