Gregor Mendel - The founder of modern genetics who conducted pea plant experiments and established rules of heredity, Allele - Multiple forms of a gene, Gene - A unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring and determines some characteristic of the offspring, Dominant Trait - always displays the trait; represented with capital letter, Recessive Trait - displays the trait if there are two; represented with lowercase letter, Genotype - the genetic makeup of an organism, Phenotype - what an organism physically looks like (physical characteristics), Monohybrid Cross - A genetic cross between parents that differ in the alleles they possess for one particular gene, heterozygous - Individuals who carry two different alleles for a certain gene., homozygous - Individuals who carry a set of the same alleles for a certain gene., Autosomes - All chromosomes in an individual except for the sex chromosomes., Karyotype - The number and visual appearance of the chromosomes in the cell of an organism or species., Punnet Square - Chart used to predict the possible gene makeup of offspring,

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