1) Which one of these is not a British Value? a) Tolerance b) Democracy c) Rule of Law d) Rule of Thumb e) Nepotism f) Cronyism 2) Which of these is a British Value? a) Individual Liberty b) Family Honour c) Personal Honour d) Trial by Fire e) Trial by Combat f) Trial by Jury 3) What is the name of the highest criminal court in England? a) The Old Motte b) The Old Mucker c) The Old Geyser d) The Old Bailey e) The Old Moat f) The Old Castle 4) What was the surname of the British Royal Family before it was changed to 'Windsor'? a) Cockburn b) Saxa - Phoney c) Saxe-Coburg d) Nieder - Saxon e) Anglo-Saxon f) Hanover 5) Who was the husband of Queen Elizabeth II? a) Prince Philip of Greece b) Arch-Duke Peter of Russia c) King Philip of Spain d) Duke Paul of Denmark e) Count Von Shtaufenberg of Germany f) Earl Beowulf of Gothenberg 6) Who was the longest serving spouse of a British Monarch? a) Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha b) The Duke of Edinburgh c) The Duke of Burgundy d) King Philip II of Spain e) The Duke of Marlborough f) Queen Caroline of Brunswick 7) In which war did King George V of England have to fight his cousin Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany? a) World War I b) World War II c) World War III d) War of the Roses e) Hundred years war f) Battle of Hastings 8) In which war did King Harold Godwinson of England have to fight his cousin Duke William of Normandy? a) World War I b) World War II c) World War III d) Battle of Stamford Bridge e) Battle of Hastings f) Battle of Bosworth Field 9) Which King of England is reported to have said "Once more unto the breach..." when attacking a French Castle? a) Richard I b) John II c) Henry V d) Henry VIII e) Henry II f) Richard III 10) The Black Prince was the eldest son of which English King? a) Henry Tudor b) Richard III c) Edward III d) Richard Plantagenet e) Henry Plantagenet f) James II 11) Which king of England was known as 'The Lionheart'? a) Charles III b) Charles I c) William IV d) Richard I e) John II f) Edward III 12) According to British Values which political ideology is the best? a) Communism b) Socialism c) Republicanism d) Monarchy e) Democracy f) Oligarchy 13) Which method of resolving disputes and conflict is supported by British Values? a) Rule of Thumb b) Rule of Law c) Might is Right d) Rule of Terror e) Rule with an Iron Fist f) He who has the gold makes the rules 14) What is Britain's most valued institution in current times? a) The Royal Family b) The British Library c) The British Museum d) The National Health Service e) The British Army f) The British Council 15) Which British Institution was set up in 1918? a) The Royal Family b) The National Health Service c) The Royal Navy d) The British Army e) The Royal Air Force f) The British Museum 16) When was the National Health Service founded? a) 1925 b) 1936 c) 1948 d) 1957 e) 1964 f) 1977 17) What local community project was the National Health Service based on? a) Neighbourhood Watch in London b) Health Insurance for Farmers in York c) Health Insurance for miners in Wales d) Building Society in Birmingham e) Car Repair Co-operative in Newcastle f) Merchant Shipping Insurance in Malta 18) Which type of election do we have in Britain? a) Proportional Representation b) First Past the Post c) Rigged Election d) Uncontested election e) Electoral College f) Non Quorum 19) How many Members of Parliament are there in Westminster? a) 500 b) 550 c) 600 d) 650 e) 625 f) 675 20) Which of these is the correct birth order of Queen Elizabeth II's children? a) Charles, Ann, Andrew, Edward b) Ann, Charles, Andrew, Edward c) Charles, Ann, Edward, Andrew d) Ann, Charles, Edward, Andrew e) Charles, Andrew, Ann, Edward f) Ann, Andrew, Charles, Edward 21) Who is the Patron Saint of England? a) St Alban b) St George c) St Paul d) St Peter e) St Andrew f) St Patrick 22) Who is the Patron Saint of Scotland? a) St Alban b) St Alfred c) St Edward d) St Mary e) St Andrew f) St Ann 23) Who is the Patron Saint of Wales? a) St Gwen b) St David c) St John d) St Ewan e) St Tom f) St Katherine 24) Who is the Patron Saint of Ireland? a) St Patrick b) St Paul c) St Peter d) St Liam e) St David f) St Niamh 25) Which British hero is known as 'The once and future king'? a) King Arthur Pendragon b) King Uther Pendragon c) King Edward Longshanks d) King Richard the Lionheart e) King James Stuart f) King William the Conqueror 26) Which English hero was an outlaw? a) Robin Hood b) Robin Williams c) Robin Red Breast d) Robert the Bruce e) Sir Robin f) Rupert Bear 27) Which of these is allowed in Britain? a) Racism b) Sexism c) Homophobia d) Islamophobia e) Anti-Semitism f) Equal opportunity 28) Which of these should be the basis of getting a government job? a) Nepotism b) Old Boy Network c) Bribery d) Cronyism e) Merit f) Professional Recommendation 29) Which of these pays for pensions and free healthcare in Britain? a) Income Tax b) Road Tax c) Value Added Tax d) National Insurance Contributions e) Graduate Tax f) Council Tax 30) Which of these pays for bin collections, police and fire service personnel in England? a) Council Tax b) Value Added Tax c) Corporation Tax d) Road Tax e) National Insurance Contributions f) Private Pension Contributions 31) Which of these is used to build new roads and repair existing ones in Britain? a) Income Tax b) Road Tax c) Car Tax d) Congestion Charge e) National Insurance Contributions f) Value Added Tax 32) Which one of these is the name of a book that lists all the roads in London? a) The ABC b) The 123 c) The A-Z d) The TomTom e) The SatNAv f) The Capital Map 33) Which of these British cities has an underground train system known as The Metro? a) Birmingham b) Newcastle c) St. Albans d) York e) Milton Keynes f) Bristol 34) Which of these British cities has an underground train system known as The Tube? a) Birmingham b) Liverpool c) London d) St. Albans e) Milton Keynes f) Peterborough 35) Who has the right to vote in England? a) All men and women over 18 b) Only men over 21 c) Men over 18 and women over 21 d) All men and women over 16 e) Everyone f) All men and women over 18 who have the legal right to live in Britain 36) Who has the right to vote in Scotland? a) Everyone over 16 who have the right to live there b) Everyone over 18 who have the right to live there c) Everyone over 21 d) Everyone e) Everyone who can play bagpipes f) Only people wearing tartan 37) Which former Irish Republican Army terrorist has served as a minister in the Northern Ireland Assembly? a) Martin McDonagh b) Mary Lou McDonald c) Ian Paisley d) Martin McGuinness e) Gerry Adams f) Arlene Foster 38) Which province of Ireland is mostly part of the United Kingdom? a) Munster b) Leinster c) Ulster d) Connaught e) Tipperary f) Cork 39) Which English King united England and Wales by defeating the Prince of Wales - Llywelyn the Last? a) Richard the Lionheart b) Edward the Confessor c) King Canute d) Alfred the Great e) Edward I (Longshanks) f) Edward the Black Prince 40) Which English King defeated William Wallace in the Battle of Falkirk? a) Edward I (Longshanks) b) Robert the Bruce c) Richard the Lionheart d) Henry Tudor e) William the Conqueror f) William of Orange 41) Which British Commander defeated Napoléon Bonaparte in the Battle of Waterloo? a) The Duke of Marlborough b) The Duke of Edinburgh c) The Duke of Cambridge d) The Duke of Sydney e) The Duke of Wellington f) The Duke of Dublin 42) What was the name of the Duke of Wellington? a) Arthur Fonzarelli b) Arthur Pendragon c) Arthur Wellesley d) Arthur Wesley e) Arthur Weasley f) Arthur Read 43) The Duke of Wellington was Prime Minister to which British King? a) William II b) William IV c) Victoria d) George IV e) George III f) Edward VIII 44) What is the official name of the highest court in England where appeals are heard? a) The Royal Courts of Justice b) The Supreme Court c) The High Court d) The Old Bailey e) The New Bailey f) Magistrates Court 45) Which Act of Parliament makes it illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexuality and disability? a) Equalities Act 2010 b) Inequalities Act 2020 c) Race Relations Act 1974 d) Hate Preaching Act 2004 e) Homophobia Act 2001 f) Brexit Act 2019 46) What does the British Value of 'philanthropy' mean? a) To love human beings b) To love food c) To love fish and chips d) To love pubs and restaurants e) To love dogs f) To love cats 47) Which of these is a British Value? a) Reduce, Reuse and Recycle b) Keep Britain Tidy c) The Dog Poo Fairy d) The Tooth Fairy e) Not to feed the trolls f) To laugh out loudly 48) Which of these are quintessentially British Values? a) To close gates, queue and walk on the right b) To keep gates open in the countryside c) To walk on the left on country roads d) To keep off the grass e) To drop litter everywhere f) To push in at the front of a line 49) What does 'Big Society' mean according to former Prime Minister David Cameron? a) Many citizens doing voluntary work b) Everyone getting rich quickly c) The trickle down of money from rich people to poor people d) Every one pays less tax e) Everyone gets more money from the government f) Everyone pays more tax 50) Who founded the Salvation Army to help the poor and needy? a) William Booth b) William Wordsworth c) William Shakespere d) William the Fourth e) William of Orange f) Wil.i.am 51) What is Queen Victoria known to do? a) Have her own Indian curry chef travel with her b) Visit poor people in disguise c) Plant lots of trees called 'London Plane' d) Say 'we are not amused' a lot e) Disco 'till the break of dawn f) Have a small zoo called a 'menagerie' in the Tower of London 52) Which of these is a British Value? a) Equal Opportunities for people of all colours, ethnicities, religions and disabilities b) Pick up litter and put it in the bin c) Queue calmly d) Jump to the front of the line e) Be rude to old grannies f) Respect your elders 53) Which of these countries is Elizabeth Windsor NOT the queen of? a) Canada b) Australia c) Brazil d) England e) Wales f) Scotland 54) Which of these countries is Elizabeth Windsor NOT queen of? a) Barbados b) Antigua and Barbuda c) Bahamas d) Belize e) Chile f) Jamaica 55) Which Army Brigade is responsible for guarding the Queen? a) Coldstream Guards b) Lifeguards c) Royal Green Jackets d) Bengal Lancers e) Blues and Royals f) Black Watch 56) What is the name of countries from the former British Empire that have chosen to work together with Britain? a) The Common Gold b) The Common Money c) The Commonwealth d) The British Federation e) The Confederation of British States f) Former British Colonies Association 57) What title is given to the heir of the British Throne? a) Prince of Scotland b) Duke of Cumberland c) Prince of Wales d) Duke of Cornwall e) Duke of Cambridge f) Duke of London 58) What title has been given to the Queen's daughter, Princess Ann, in recognition of her work for charity? a) The Fairy Princess b) The Princess Royal c) The Queen of Hearts d) The Queen of Kindness e) The Princess of Mercy f) Saint Ann of Windsor 59) Which places are the Queen's sons dukes or earls of? a) Cornwall, York and Wessex b) Cornwall, Cambridge and Sussex c) Kent, Cornwall and Essex d) Herts, Beds and Bucks e) London, Oxford and Cambridge f) Oxford, Cambridge and Reading 60) Who did Prince Charles marry? a) Diana Princess of Wales b) Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall c) Sarah, Duchess of York d) Sophie, Countess of Wessex e) Meghan, Duchess of Sussex f) Katherine, Duchess of Cambridge 61) Which of these titles did The British Queen's late husband have during his life? a) Prince of Greece b) Prince of Persia c) Duke of Edinburgh d) Prince Philip e) King Philip f) Admiral of the Fleet 62) Who is the most powerful person in the British Government a) The Prime Minister b) The Mayor of London c) The Home Secretary d) The Chancellor of the Exchequer e) The Defence Secretary f) The Health Secretary 63) Who is in charge of the police, prisons and the courts in England and Wales? a) The Chief Justice b) The Home Secretary c) The Office Secretary d) The Justice Secretary e) The Lord Chancellor f) The Police Commissioner 64) Who chooses the Prime Minister in Britain? a) The people b) The Members of Parliament c) The Mayors of towns and cities d) The Councillors e) The Army f) The Police 65) Whose signature is needed to make a new law in Britain? a) The Lollipop Lady b) The leader of the House of Lords c) The Leader of the House of Commons d) The Queen e) The Mayor of London f) The Archbishop of Canterbury 66) Who is the most famous British poet and writer of plays? a) Michael Rosen b) William Wordsworth c) Lord Byron d) William Shakespere e) Geoffrey Chaucer f) Michael Morpurgo 67) Why did Britain leave the European Union? a) To make food prices cheaper b) To make travel to Britain harder c) To reduce the number of immigrants coming to britain d) To reduce the number of refugees coming to britain e) So that we will have more doctors and nurses f) So that Britain can have greater say on what laws we follow 68) Which of these is NOT a British Isle? a) Jersey b) Guernsey c) Isle of Man d) Isle of Skye e) Orkney Islands f) Canary Islands 69) Which of these belongs to Britain? a) HongKong b) Falkland Islands c) Syechelles d) Maldives e) Canary Islands f) Gibraltar 70) Which of these are former British Prime Ministers? a) Winston Churchill b) Dennis Thatcher c) John Archer d) Tony Blair e) Harry Potter f) William Pitt 71) Which of these are English cities? a) Dublin b) Belfast c) Bristol d) Cardiff e) Swansea f) Glasgow 72) Which of these is NOT a Scottish City a) Aberdeen b) Fife c) Edinburgh d) Glasgow e) Inverness f) Loch Ness 73) Which of these is NOT a Welsh town or city? a) Cardiff b) Monmouth c) Gloucester d) Bridgend e) Port Talbot f) Port Isaac 74) Which of these is in Northern Ireland? a) Belfast b) Cardiff c) Dublin d) Copenhagen e) Brussels f) Liverpool 75) What is the capital of Scotland? a) Edinburgh b) Glasgow c) Paisley d) Berwick upon Tweed e) Falkirk f) Lewis 76) What is the capital of Wales? a) Abertawe b) Llandudno c) Port Talbot d) Monmouth e) Cardiff f) Chepstow 77) Are you allowed to say anything you like in Britain? a) Yes, People have freedom of speech b) No, It is not allowed to criticise the government c) You have freedom of speech as long as you do not use it d) Yes as long as it is in a private meeting e) Yes as long as what you say does not break any laws about hate speech f) Yes, as long as what you say does not harm the national interest 78) When does British Summer Time start? a) The first Sunday in April b) The third Sunday in May c) The Second Sunday in June d) The first Sunday in March e) The second Sunday in April f) The last Sunday in March 79) When does British Summer Time end? a) The first Sunday in September b) The last Sunday in October c) The first Sunday in November d) The first Sunday in October e) The last Sunday in September f) The last Sunday in August 80) Who wrote the stories of Sherlock Holmes? a) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle b) Lewis Carol c) John Le Carre d) J R R Tolkien e) Gillian Colllins f) J K Rowling 81) Which of these is not a name of a Sovereign Queen of England? a) Mary b) Elizabeth c) Ann d) Victoria e) Gloria f) Matilda 82) Who is allowed to be a government minister in Britain? a) Only white people b) Only middle aged men c) Only rich people d) Only people related to the royal family e) People of any colour or ethnicity f) People of any gender or sexuality 83) What day is St. Patrick's Day celebrated? a) 17th April b) 23rd March c) 17th March d) 25th December e) 31st October f) 1st April 84) Which day is St. George's day celebrated? a) 23rd March b) 23rd April c) 17th March d) 14th February e) 25th December f) 5th November 85) Which day is St David's day celebrated? a) 17th March b) 1st March c) 4th July d) March forth e) 23rd April f) 5th November 86) On What day do British people remember Guy Fawkes plot to blow up parliament? a) 1st January b) 1st April c) 23rd April d) 5th November e) 31st October f) 25th December 87) On what day is St. Andrew's day celebrated? a) 5th November b) 30th November c) 14th February d) 31st October e) 30th September f) 17th July 88) On what day is Halloween celebrated in Britain? a) 31st January b) 31st February c) 31st December d) 31st November e) 31st October f) 31st August 89) What is the name of the British National Anthem? a) God save the King b) God save the Queen c) God save the Prince d) God save the Duke e) God save the Earl f) God save the Viscount 90) Which monarch was the British National Anthem first written for? a) Queen Elizabeth II b) Queen Elizabeth I c) Queen Victoria d) King George II e) King George III f) King George IV 91) What is the official name of the British Flag? a) The Union Jack b) The United Banner c) The Union Emblem d) The Royal British Flag e) The Criss Cross Banner f) The Star Spangled Banner 92) The British Value of Mutual Respect and Tolerance means what? a) Respect your elders b) You must keep a stiff upper lip c) Keep Calm and be Posh d) You allow people to have different opinions to yourself e) You tolerate people who believe differently to yourself f) You do not hate people if they are a different colour to you 93) Which of these is the name for the Scottish Parliament? a) Hollyrood b) Black Rod c) Hollywood d) Pinewood e) Bollywood f) Stormont 94) Which of these is the name for the Northern Ireland Parliament? a) Hollyrood b) Stormont c) Westminster d) Knightsbridge e) Stamford Bridge f) Senedd 95) Which of these is the name of the Welsh Parliament? a) Hollyrood b) Stormont c) Storm's End d) Casterly Rock e) Senedd f) Newcastle Emlyn 96) People of which religion are allowed to live in Britain and practice their faith without prejudice? a) Only Catholicism b) Only Baptism c) Only Sikhism d) Only Budhism e) Only Mystic Islam f) People of ALL faiths and none 97) What colour is the British Passport? a) Blue b) Red c) Green d) Purple e) Black f) Pink 98) Which of these activities is part of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award? a) Physical Activity b) Community Service c) Expedition d) Learning a Skill e) Paranormal Activity f) Commercial Project 99) Who is the head of the Commonwealth? a) Prince Charles b) Prince William c) Prince Harry d) Prince Andrew e) Prince Edward f) Princess Anne 100) Who is in charge of the Duke of Edinburgh's Awards? a) Edward, Earl of Wessex b) Andrew, Duke of York c) Charles, Prince of Wales d) William, Duke of Cambridge e) Harry, Duke of Sussex f) Prince Michael of Kent
British Values Quiz
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British Values
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આ લીડરબોર્ડ હાલમાં ખાનગી છે. તેને સાર્વજનિક કરવા માટે
પર ક્લિક કરો.
આ લીડરબોર્ડને સ્ત્રોત નિર્માતા દ્વારા નિષ્ક્રિય કરવામાં આવ્યું છે.
આ લીડરબોર્ડ નિષ્ક્રિય છે કારણ કે તમારા વિકલ્પો સ્ત્રોત નિર્માતા કરતા અલગ છે.
વિકલ્પો પાછા લાવો
એ ઓપન-એન્ડેડ ટેમ્પલેટ છે. તે લીડરબોર્ડ માટે સ્કોર જનરેટ કરતું નથી.
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પ્રવૃત્તિ રમત દરમ્યાન વધુ ફોરમેટ દેખાશે.
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