1) Name this piece of equipment a) Clamp b) Holder c) Cramp d) Vice 2) Name this piece of equipment a) Scroll saw b) Frame saw c) Coping saw d) Tenon saw 3) In Design Technology, CAD stands for... a) Canadian Dollar b) Ctrl Alt Delete c) Crank Angle Degree d) Clear All Desks e) Card Accepting Device f) Computer Aided Design 4) Which of the following is not needed when using the pillar drill a) Wear safety goggles b) Wear an apron c) Use the guard d) Know where the on/off switches are located e) Tuck in your tie f) Wear gloves 5) What should you do if you break a saw blade a) Report it to the teacher or a technician b) Leave it on the desk c) Put it back in the cupboard and get another one d) Put the broken pieces in your pocket 6) This piece of equipment is used for.... a) Scratching your name on the desk b) Holding nails and pins  c) Marking the position of a hole to be drilled d) Cleaning the white board 7) This picture shows a "split die" held in a "stock". It is used for.... a) Cutting a thread on a metal rod b) Cutting a thread in a hole 8) Wet and dry paper is used for.... a) Cleaning barnacles from boat hulls b) Wrapping up presents c) Producing a high quality finish on acrylic 9) What should be used to glue layers of acrylic together? a) Tensol cement b) Glue stick c) PVA adhesive d) Masking tape e) Double sided tape f) Bluetac 10) The machinery bay has a number of signs on the door. Which one means "No Admittance" a) b) c) d) e) f)

Tools and equipment



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