DOMINANT - a genetic factor that hides another genetic factor., RECESSIVE - a genetic factor that is hidden by the presence of a dominant factor, OFFSPRING - the children of living organisms, GENETICS - the study of how traits are inherited, HEREDITY - the passing of traits from parents to offspring., CHARACTERISTIC - A quality, trait or feature of an individual, TRAIT - a quality or characteristic, HYBRID - the offspring resulting from combining the qualities of two organisms of different breeds, PUREBRED - an organism that always passes down certain traits (i.e. physically expressed traits) to its offspring, CROSS POLLINATION - pollination that occurs when pollen from one plant reaches the pistils of a flower from different plant, SELF POLLINATION - pollination that occurs when pollen from one plant lands on the pistil of the flower of the same plant., INHERIT - to receive something from someone who came before you., HETEROZYGOUS - Having one dominant allele and one recessive allele, HOMOZYGOUS - Having two of the SAME alleles, GENOTYPE - genes that control the trait, GENE - section of DNA responsible for a trait, PHENOTYPE - how a trait appears- physical appearance, GREGOR MENDEL - Monk who discovered the basics of genetics using pea plants,

Year 9 | Gregor Mendel Genetics



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