Aquatic - involving water (lake, pond, ocean, estuary, etc.), Ecosystem - biotic & abiotic factors that work and live together in their environment, Abiotic - Non living thing example- sun, water, oxygen, Biotic - Living thing example-trees, rabbits, dog, Temperate Deciduous Forest - Ecosystem with trees that lose their leaves in the fall, Energy Pyramid - shows the amount of energy passed from one level of the food chain to the next, Estuary - where freshwater and saltwater meet, Food Chain - shows how nutrients and energy are passed from organism to organism, Salt Marsh - coastal wetlands flooded and drained by salt water from the tides, Terrestrial - of or relating to the earth (forests, deserts, etc.), Predator - hunts and eats other organisms for food/energy, Prey - is hunted and eaten for food/energy, Consumers - animals that get their energy from producers or organisms that eat producers, Decomposers - plants/animals that break down dead plants/animals into organic materials that go back into the soil, Photosynthesis - chemical process where plants make their own food, Producers - organisms that make their own food,



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