Genes - A segment (physical section/unit) of DNA found on a chromosome that carries specific instructions and codes for the inheritance of a particular trait., Allele - Alternative forms of a gene for each variation of a trait of an organism., Dominant - Describes an allele that is always expressed (covers over or dominates the other allele) when it is present., represented by capital letters in the genotype, such as F. - Dominant, Recessive - A trait that is covered over by another form of that trait--it is only expressed if a dominant trait has not been passed on by the parents; gene that produces its characteristic phenotype only when its alleles are identical., represented by lowercase letters in the genotype, such as f. - Recessive, Heterozygous - When there are two different alleles for a trait; hybrids, Homozygous - When there are two identical alleles for a trait; (sometimes called purebred)., Genotype - The genetic makeup (code) of an organism represented by symbols (such as Tt, TT or tt)., Phenotype - Outward physical appearance and behavior of an organism as a result of its genotype., Probability - The likelihood that a specific event will occur., Punnett Square - A diagram that shows the possible offspring of two parents; used to determine the probability of each offspring's genotype., Offspring - The young born with genetic information from parent., 1/4 - 25%, 2/4 - 50%, 3/4 - 75%,

2022 Genetics Review Gameshow



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