economy (n.) - the circulation of money in industry, trade, and finance in a country or area (p. 15), erosion (n.) - the natural removal of rock or soil by water, wind, or ice (p. 6), gravel (n.) - a loose mixture of rock fragments (p. 6), greed (n.) - a selfish and intense desire for more of something than is needed (p. 7), rumors (n.) - stories passed from person to person that have not been proven true (p. 7), settlers (n.) - people who make a new permanent home on a frontier (p. 8), starvation (n.) - a state of extreme hunger or dying because of a lack of food (p. 11), taxed (v.) - collected a fee to pay for government services, operations, or functions (p. 12), wealthy (adj.) - having a large amount of money or possessions (p. 15),

RAZ Level R The California Gold Rush



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