1) Honesty 2) Willingness 3) Open mindedness 4) Acceptance 5) Un-manageability 6) H.A.L.T. (hungry? angry? lonely? tired?) 7) Surrender, Letting Go, Letting God 8) Are Alcoholics Perfectionists? 9) Resentment 10) First Things First: Getting Things in Order  11) Moral Inventory 12) Anger after Alcohol 13) Becoming Willing 14) Amends 15) The Self Will Pitfall 16) Attracting Trouble 17) Prayer 18) Offering and Accepting Suggestions 19) Sharing our Experience, Strength, and Hope 20) Why Did We Drink? and Why Now We Don't 21) Patience 22) Carrying the message 23) Dealing with Disagreeable People 24) Sponsorship 25) Respecting Others Viewpoints 26) God, As We Understood God 27) Misery is optional 28) Recovery is my responsibility 29) Powerless Over Our Addiction/s 30) Changing Routines, Changing People, Places and Things (to avoid drinking) 31) A Desire to Stop Drinking 32) Spirituality 33) Letting Go of Guilt 34) Relapse before the First Drink 35) Battling AA Boredom 36) Worry and Anxiety 37) F.E.A.R. (false evidence appearing real) 38) Meditation 39) Sadness 40) Dangers of Denial

AA Topics, Concepts, and Spiritual Principles



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