1) Click the 3 exceptions to Z-Floss  a) gas b) doll c) yes d) craze e) chef 2) Click the 4 exceptions to the -tch rule a) rich b) such c) sutch d) which e) much f) witch 3) Find the word that follows the -tch rule a) hack b) hach c) hatch 4) Find the word that follows the -ck rule a) desck b) flick c) tusck 5) Find the REAL word a) dack b) smick c) speck 6) Find the REAL Word a) switch b) slitch c) thrutch 7) Find the CLOSED Syllable a) robe b) rob c) rode 8) Find the CLOSED syllable a) quench b) you c) live 9) Find the magic e word a) pet b) pete c) goes 10) Find the magic e word a) mete b) me c) be

1 Syllable Spelling Rules Review



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