Taiwanese - Language spoken by A-ma, Jenna - Cici's first friend in America, Sleepover - American custom Cici thinks is strange, Luggage - bought by A-ma because she knows Cici will win the cooking competition, Spying - Miranda's dad accuses Cici of this, Cinnamon - Cici thinks everything tastes better with this ingredient, Italian - language spoken by Miranda's grandparents, Cardamom - Secret ingredient in final round of cooking competition, Cici - Winner of the cooking competition, Lavender - New ingredient Cici adds to her A-ma's dish, Taiwan - Place where the story begins, Emily - Person who invites Cici over to her house on Saturday, Miranda - Person on Cici's team for the cooking contest, Seattle - City in America where Cici and her parents move, Spices - A-ma's secret ingredient,

Measuring Up Wordsearch



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