1) what is the first state a) Delware b) texas c) new york d) jamestown e) pennsalvanyah f) new jursey 2) Who was the 2 president a) john adomes b) Oboma c) Aberham lincon d) Joe biden e) john tyler 3) who was the 14 president a) Aberham Lincon b) millard fillmore c) ander jackson 4) WHo was the 1st president a) Georgwashington b) georgwbush c) John scott 5) Who was a president a) John jurry b) johnyy johnyy apple seed c) james monroe d) Georgwbush 6) Who was the first explorer to find america a) christopher columbus b) john adomes c) Aberham lincon 7) where did aberham lincon get killed at a) A moster park b) joe mama c) A Play d) Your mom e) mommy's Play


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