Phenotype - Observable expression of a trait, Heterozygous - Two different genes for the same trait, Genotype - Combination of alleles that determine a specific characteristic or trait, Homozygous/True Breeding - Two identical genes for the same trait, Dominant - An inherited trait that is present in a phenotype, even when inheriting only one allele, Heredity - The passing of traits from parents to offspring, Recessive - An inherited trait that is present in a phenotype only when inheriting two of the same alleles, Punnett square - A tool used to analyze possible breeding outcomes, Allele - An alternate form of a gene for a particular trait, Probability - The likelihood of an occurrence, Gene - The segment of DNA that determines a particular trait, DNA  - Genetic material found in the nucleus in the shape of a double helix , Chromosomes - Sections of DNA; humans have 23 pairs, Genetics - The study of how traits are inherited ,




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