1) what is one of the ל ט melachos? a) reaping b) whiping c) kicking 2) if someone needs to travel more then 2000 Amos on shabbos he has to make a_____________________________ a) eiruv techumim b) it clean where he's going to spend shabbos c) make a special bracha 3) what is a eiruv techumim? a) placing to meals worth of food to be able to walk 2000 more Amos from the tech b) N/A c) a brooch that you make on making the eiruv 4) when is kiddush min hatorah? a) by night b) by day c) both d) N/A e) not by any 5) is a man supposed to light shabbos candles if there is no women? a) yes b) no c) depends if he says the brocha or not 6) how do you make a eiruv chatzerus? a) just enough for 2 meals b) enough for 4 meals c) N/A 7) what is the six forbidden activities on yom kipper? a) working, eating and drinking, washing, smearing oil, wearing leather shoes, marital relations b) working, eating and drinking c) working, eating and drinking, washing, wearing a Tallis 8) we are allowed to cook on yom tov if we_______________________________ a) eat the food on the same day and if the food couldn't been cooked before yom tov b) allowed to cook every thing c) nothing d) N/A 9) we are allowed to carry on yom tov for things we need a) correct b) incorrect 10) from what time on erev pesach can we not eat chametz? a) from sunrise b) from chatzos c) from shikiye 11) what amount of chametz is forbidden? a) any amount b) a kizayis c) a kabeytza 12) are we allowed to benefit from chametz? a) no b) yes c) depends the amount 13) what do we do with chametz? a) burn it or sell it to a non jew as a gift b) burn it right away c) sell it for very cheap 14) on the night of the fourteenth of Nissan we__________________ a) burn the chametz b) sell the chametz c) both d) search for the chametz 15) how long before does the water for the matzah have to be taken? a) a full night before b) a full day before c) day and night d) non 16) what is the mitzvah סיפור יציאת מצרים? a) to remember going out of mitzrayim b) to remember עמלק c) to remember eating matzah 17) what is the preferable horn for a shofer? a) rams horn that is bent b) kudu horn that is very strait c) goats horn d) cow horn 18) if the weather is uncomfortable in the sukkah then it is not necessary to sleep or eat in it a) correct b) incorrect



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