1) What is a bit?  a) It might be a binary digit, the smallest increment of data on a computer b) Its like a little tiny thing c) I could be a part of my baseball bat 2) How is 9 represented in the binary system? a) 0909 b) 0101 c) 0110 3) Can Text,Images, and sound can also be represented by binary numbers ? a) True b) False 4) How many wires are need in order too store 4 billion numbers? a) 21? b) 66? c) 32? 5) Why are smaller computers faster? a) They are smaller so they travel faster b) They are cooler c) They have tiny gadgets that make them go boom boom 6) What does CPU stand for? a) Commuter Program United b) Central Processing Unit c) Community Process Unite 7) Examples of computer hardware are... a) Chips b) Money c) Speakers d) chargers 8) What is the Operating System? a) Tiny person inside that organizes the information b) The master program that manages how software gets to use the hardware of the computer c) Order of operation 9) Moore's Law? a) An alphabet or code in which letters are represented by combinations of long and short signals of light or sound. b) The number of transistors on a microchip doubles every two years c) Someone that helps the tiny person inside the computer 10) What is a Quantum Computer? a) Ten computers in one b) A computer that makes use of the quantum states of subatomic particles to store information c) A chandelier 11) What is a CPU a) Chicken Pot United b) Central processing unit c) CoCo Puff Union 12) True or False - Does Toasters count as a computer? a) True b) False 13) True or False - Is a Gumball machine a computer? a) True b) False 14) True or False - A smart fridge is a computer a) True b) False 15) True or False - Are LED lights considered a computer a) True b) False



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