Mitochondria - Considered the powerhouse of a cell, this organelle is where sugar is used to produce energy., Cell - The basic unit of all living things., Cytoplasm - The jelly-like liquid inside the cell where the organelles are found., Cell Wall - Found outside the cell membrane, this organelle gives the plant structure. Animal cells do not have these., Nucleus - The organelle that contains DNA, the genetic material of the cell., Cell Membrane - The thin, flexible barrier surrounding the cell., Lysosome - A membrane bound organelle that is like the trash and recycling center of a cell. It helps the cell get rid of waste., Vacuole - A membrane bound organelle where fluids and other nutrients are stored for the cell. It is like a reservoir., Chloroplast - This organelle is where photosynthesis takes place. Animal cells do not have these., Organelle - Parts of a cell that help it function.,

Cell Organelles Match Up game



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