Iba a la escuela primaria - I used to go to the primary school, Me gustaba el patio - I used to like the playground, Odiaba el profesor de ciencias  - I used to hate the science teacher , Jugabamos al fútbol en el recreo - We used to play football in the break, Leía historias divertidas - I used to read funny stories, Había un comedor amplio - There used to be a spacious canteen, Cantabamos canciones - We used to sing songs, Mi escuela primaria era antigua y fea - My primary school was old and ugly, No había una piscina - There wasn't a swimming pool, Comíamos en el patio - We used to eat in the playground, Las clases empezaban a las nueve - Classes / lessons used to start at nine o'clock, Mis asignaturas favoritas eran... - My favourite subjects were..., No se permitía comer en las aulas - We weren't allowed to eat in the classrooms, No debíamos hacer deberes - We didn't have to do homework, Salía de mi casa a las siete con mi madre - I used to leave home at seven with my mum, Llegaba a la escuela a las ocho - I used to arrive at school at eight,

Mi escuela primaria



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