Reliable - You can count on me., Punctual - This word means to be on time., Interview - This is done Face-to-face, usually with a manager of a business., Application - You fill this out if you want to try to get a specific job., Soft Skills - Skills and actions you learn but take with you from one job or place to another., Hard Skills - Measurable, job specific skills., Polite - Saying "please" and "Thank you" are an example of being...., Snack Store - We are working on running this business at Center City., Collect Bottles - How we are raising money for our business., Help Wanted - A sign that a business may put up if they are looking to hire., Knowledge - You gain this by learning new things, training, and keeping an open mind., Entry Level - A starting position at a job, usually does not require previous experience. ,

Employment Crossword


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