Solo instrument accompanied by an Orchestra - Concerto, Broken Chords played in the bass - Alberti Bass, Music sounds bright (happy) - Major, Music sounds dark (sad) - Minor, Music has a simple texture where everything moves together - Homophonic, Music has a complex/busy texture with lots of independent melodies - Polyphonic, High female voice - Soprano, Low female voice - Alto, High male voice - Tenor, Low male voice - Bass, Medium female voice - Mezzo-Soprano, Medium male voice - Baritone, Consistent low note (unchanging) - Drone, Playing technique: Played with the bow - Arco, Playing technique: Pluck the strings - Pizzicato, Key change - Modulation, Gradually getting louder - Crescendo, Gradually getting quieter - Diminuendo, Short 'crushed' note - Grace note, Large scale work for orchestra - Symphony, Each syllable gets 1 note - Syllabic, Each syllable gets multiple notes - Melismatic,

Nat 5- Classical Music



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