Marxist theory of crime: Gordon - culture of envy, Chambliss - law creation, Marx - crime caused by Capitalism, Marx - law enforcement, Neo-Marxist theory of crime: Taylor, Walton and Young - Fully social theory, Chambliss - Saints and Roughnecks, Hall - Policing the crisis, Radical criminology, Interactionist theory of crime: Becker - labelling theory, Wilkins - deviancy amplficiation, Phenomenology (Atkinson study of suicide), Crime is a social construction, Feminist theory of crime: Heindensohn - socialisation, Smart - lack of access, Carlen - double standards, Adler - liberation, Right Realist theory of crime: Murray - single mothers, Wilson - rational choice theory, Wilson and Kelling - broken windows, Left Realist theory of crime: Lea, Young and Matthews, Relative deprivation, Marginalisation, Subcultures, Matthews and Young - square of crime, Functionalist theory of crime: Durkheim - anomie, 6 functions of crime, Merton - strain theory, Subcultural theory of crime: Cloward and Ohlin - opportunity theory, Miller - focal concerns, Cohen - status frustration,

Sociological theories of crime



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