je vais - I am going, tu vas - you are (singular) going, il va - he is going, nous allons - we are going, vous allez - You are going (Formal/Singular), elles vont  - they are going (F/Pl), ils vont - they are going (F/M/Pl), aller - to go to, je vais au restaurant - I'm going to the restaurant, tu vas étudier demain. - you're going to study tomorrow (Familiar), il va parler français demain - he's going to speak French tomorrow, nous allons jouer au foot - we're going to play soccer , vous allez au café avec des amis - You are going to the cafe with friends. (Familiar/Pl), ils vont aller au "resto" demain - they're going to go to the restaurant tomorrow, je ne vais pas au magasin - I'm not going to the store, Elle ne va pas manger - she is not going to eat, Nous n'allons pas au parc - We are not going to the park, Elles ne vont pas chanter - They are not going to sing (F/Pl), Je ne vais pas danser ce soir - I'm not going to dance tonight, Tu ne vas pas jouer au piano - You're not going to play piano, Ne pas aller - To not go...,




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