1) When literacy rates go up, then a) economic development goes down b) economic development goes up c) life expectancy goes down d) no change in the economic development 2) The conflict in Rwanda led to genocide in the 1990s but was mostly between a) political parties b) religious groups c) ethnic groups d) economic systems 3) What was a lasting effect of Belgium's colonization of the Dem. Rep. of the Congo? a) lack of foreign support b) poor leadership c) conflict over resources d) cultural tension 4) South Africa was under what this system of separation of the races until 1990? a) Apartheid b) Jim Crow c) Slavery d) Servitude 5) This man was in prison for 30 years and eventually became the President of South Africa? a) Desmond Tutu b) Nelson Mandela c) Muammar Gaddafi d) Idi Amin 6) Which country is most similar to South Africa in development? a) Nigeria b) Ethiopia c) Rwanda d) Kenya 7) What factor is most responsible for the profitable mining operations in South Africa? a) ocean trade routes b) semi-arid climate c) plentiful natural resources d) mountains in the countryside 8) Bishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela were both honored with Nobel Peace Prizes because a) they ended racial injustice b) protecting the environment c) building schools d) spread Christianity 9) Many of the conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa resulted from colonists a) educating different ethnic groups b) mining in the region c) distributing farm land for the settlers d) establishing boundary lines between nations 10) How did European colonization of Sub-Saharan Africa affect economic development in the region? a) More Command economies b) Traditional economies were encouraged c) Most economies primarily export natural resources d) Industrial economies were in most nations 11) English and French are common languages spoken in Sub-Saharan Africa because a) the history of European colonization in the region b) learning other languages in their schools c) the spread of Christianity to the region d) migration of different missionaries 12) South Africa's GDP ranks 30th in the world with high poverty rates. Which level of economic development is South Africa? a) Less developed b) More developed c) Newly developed d) Underdeveloped 13) African folktales reflect traditional Sub-Saharan Africa culture because they have a) carved stone monuments for all to see b) passed on orally from generation to generation c) preserved in African libraries d) recreated by moviemakers 14) Which mountain in Tanzania is Africa's highest peak? a) Mount Everest b) Mount McKinley c) Mount Killimanjaro d) Mount Olympus 15) How has the history of Sub-Saharan Africa contributed to the political instability in some nations of the region? a) End of European colonization left some nations struggling to form governments b) Devastation from World War Two left many struggling to recover c) The migration of the Bantu-speaking people across national boundaries has caused clashes of culture d) The end of foreign aid to the region is leaving many without proper food and medicine.

World Cultures Unit 7 Sub-Saharan Africa



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