1) The process in which individuals learn the norms, values, behavior and social skills in their environment in order to function within a society a) behavior b) nurturing c) conflicts d) socialization e) uniqueness f) abilities 2) Socialization plays a large role in human____________ a) abilities b) conflicts c) behavior d) parent-child relationships e) development f) nurturing 3) Interpersonal Relationships are impacted by _________ . a) understanding b) tolerance c) diversity d) fairness e) honesty f) patience 4) ___________ is the condition of differing from one another. a) diversity b) priorities c) skills and abilities d) likes and dislikes e) trust f) respect 5) Strong Relationships are built through use of the following qualities a) education b) ethnicity c) strong friendships d) tolerance e) living situation f) priorities 6) Exerts powerful socialization influences and pressures to conform. a) caring b) peer influence c) sense of belonging d) appreciation e) exclusive f) potential 7) Peer influence exerts powerful __________ influences and pressures to conform a) conformity b) fairness c) sympathizers d) socialization e) tolerance f) trust 8) Friends provide: acceptance, approval, ______________, respect, appreciation, a safe place a) gender b) education c) ethnicity d) interests e) sense of belonging f) priorities 9) _____________ is one of the qualities of strong relationships a) education b) ethnicity c) interpersonal relationships d) fairness e) family structure f) diversity 10) Nurturing, provisions, patience, flexibility and sense of humor are factors of _______________. a) behavior b) interpersonal relationships c) strong relationships d) sypathizers e) parent-child relationships f) potential

Positive realtionships


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