Plant Cell - Rigid, rectangular shape, Animal Cell - Irregular, round shape, Chloroplast - use energy from the sun to create food for the plant cell. Where photosynthesis takes place., Golgi Apparatus (Golgi Body) - Sorts and processes proteins., Mitochondria - breaks down food to produce energy for the cell., Nucleus - Controls the activities of the cell. Where the DNA is!, Endoplasmic Reticulum - A transportation network that takes molecules where they need to go., Ribosomes - Make proteins., Vacuole - Storage tanks that the cell uses to hold water or other materials., Organelles - Smaller parts of a cell that carry out specific jobs., Cytoplasm - Gel-like substance in the cell, Cell membrane - Protective outer layer of ANY cell, Cell wall - Protective outer layer of a PLANT cell that provides structure.,

Cell Organelles



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