Area - The number of squares you used to cover a space, Array - A set of objects arranged in rows and columns, Automaticity - Answering a basic fact correctly and quickly and without even having to think much about it, Natural numbers - Numbers you count with 1, 2,3 ..., Equation - A math sentence where you have two expressions that are the same, separated by an equal sign, Expression - Math symbols and numbers that don't have an equal sign, like 5 + 3 or 2 × 4, Factor - A number multiplied by another number, Product - The answer you get when you multiply two or more numbers together., Whole numbers - All the numbers you use for counting, including zero: 0, 1, 2, 3...,

3rd Grade Multiplication Introduction Vocabulary


ફ્લેશ કાર્ડ્સ એ ઓપન-એન્ડેડ ટેમ્પલેટ છે. તે લીડરબોર્ડ માટે સ્કોર જનરેટ કરતું નથી.

દૃશ્યમાન શૈલી


ટેમ્પલેટ બદલો

આપોઆપ સંગ્રહ થયેલ છે: ?