Socialisation - The process by which we learn about a way of life and the norms and values of our society, Agents of socialisation - The institutions which teach us the norms and values of society, Norms - Expected patterns of behaviour in society – how most people act e.g. it is the norm to wear clothes when out in public, Values - Beliefs and ideas that are accepted by the majority of people in society, Primary socialisation - During the early yrs of life, their first experiences of socialisation, Secondary socialisation - From school age onwards, an increasing number of influences teach norms and values, Nuclear family - Mother, father, children, Reconstituted family - Family composed of an adult couple, married or unmarried, living with at least one child born from a previous union of one of the partners i.e. Step-families, Extended family - Parents, children and other relatives in one household, Lone parent family - A single parent family, Beanpole family - A multigenerational family that is long and thin with few aunts and uncles, Same sex family - Lesbian or gay parent families, Cohabitation - Living together but not married, Cultural comfort zones - Spaces in which individuals feel safe and accepted, Secularisation - The decline of the importance of religion, Hidden curriculum - Informal control in education e.g. peer and teacher interaction, Formal curriculum - Written, formal control in education e.g. national curriculum and uniform rules, Canteen culture - The norms and values that people who work in a particular workplace will be socialised to accept, Social control - Social mechanisms to manipulate behaviour, 2 types – formal and informal, Formal social control - Written rules or codes of conduct, Informal social control - Expectations without written rules, Nature - Biological factors e.g. genetics, Nurture - Environmental factors e.g. socialisation, Roles - A pattern of behaviour, routines and responses carried out in society, Status - Social position or standing within society,

Socialisation tier 3 vocab



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