1) Which step do you struggle with the most? 2) Do you compare yourself to others? Do you see why this harmful? 3) Are you judgy and grudgy or do you let resentments go? 4) Why is the Serenity Prayer such a great tool in times of struggle? 5) How do you flip a negative thought into a positive one? 6) Why do you need a sponsor? 7) Name three things you like about yourself. Why? 8) Tell us what you're grateful for 9) How do your negative thoughts influence your behavior? 10) What are some ways that you practice self care? 11) Is there anyone in your life you're struggling to forgive? Why? 12) What led you to the rooms of AA? 13) Go back to your Day 1. What changes in your self do you see now? 14) What are some things that make you feel stressed, and how do you cope? 15)  How much alone time do you give yourself each day? Are you isolating? 16) How do you practice mindfulness? 17) What are some unchangeable things in you're life that you're struggling to accept? 18) Why is connection to others so important in recovery? 19) Share with us your first AA meeting experience 20) How do you pivot your thinking on any given day? 21) How do you feel about meditation?  22) What is the difference between helping and enabling? 23) What are your thoughts on the phrase "It is what it is?" 24) PAUSE - postpone action until serenity exists 25) Which character defect do you need to work on the most? What is your sober superpower? 26) If you have relapsed recently, what are you going to do differently this time? 27) Do you feel your physical sobriety matches your emotional sobriety? 28) What is the difference between boundaries and rules in relationships? 29) What impact has your sobriety had on your friends and family members? 30) How do you deal with a personality that clashes with yours?

Whammy Recovery Wheel



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