Culture - The shared way of life of a society or a group within a society, Norms - The unwritten informal rules surrounding how someone should behave in a particular situation. For example, being quiet in a doctors surgery, Values - The beliefs and behaviours that people and societies see as important and worth having. For example, young people might value technology and social media., Status - The level of importance within society that a person or job has. This can either be achieved (earned) or ascribed (inherited)., Roles - The parts played by someone or something in a particular situation (e.g teacher, father, husband), Agents of Socialisation - Groups in society that pass on culture (Norms and values) to society’s members. This can include family, education, media, peer groups, religion and the workplace, Cultural Diversity - Many different cultures (religions, age groups etc.) living in the same society. For example, Britain has many different religions such as Christianity, Islam and Sikhism., Achieved Status - A position earned or awarded, such as captain of a school team or doctor. A famous person who achieved their high status would be David Beckham, Ascribed Status - A position born into, not achieved or earned, such as son or daughter. A famous person who inherited their higher status would be Prince Charles., Primary Socialisation - The first stage of socialization that takes place in early childhood. This is carried out by the family who teach norms like walking and talking., Secondary Socialisation - The second stage of socialization that takes place after early childhood into adulthood. This is carried out by school, the media and peers. Their norms tend to differ., Gender Roles - The expected ways of behaving based on whether someone is male or female. For example, boys are expected to like blue, football and trucks. Girls like pink and dolls., Social Class - A way of dividing people into groups based on their job, lifestyle and income. This includes working, middle and upper class., Ethnicity - The cultural group a person belongs to. This includes nationality, religion, language etc. This can include White-British and Afro-Caribbean,

Key concepts definitions



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