clown - he works at the circus, proud - when you win a contest, you feel ____, owl - a night bird, shout - yell, out - the opposite of "in", house - building you live in, mouse - not a rat, but a __________, pounds - He weighs 90 ___________, town - another word for city, mouth - the part of your face you smile with, count - what you do when you say "1,2,3,4,5.....", found - opposite of lost, noun - person, place or thing, cloud - something you see in the sky when it is going to rain, howl - a dog or wolf makes this sound, brown - color of dirt, crown - a king or queen will wear this, snow - this is cold and white and falls from the sky, own - I don't rent I___, grow - if you water your plants they will ____,

Blue Lesson 42 ow/ou word scramble


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