Restoration - Period when Moliere wrote comedies, Henrik Ibsen - father of realism, existentialism - Existence has little meaning but we can accept responsibility for our actions, blocking - Term for how a director moves actors on the stage, previews - Out of town performances before going to Broadway, flat - Created to give illusion of a wall on a set, rake - upload slope of a stage, turntable - a circle that rotates to reveal a new scene, auteur - A director who feels they can alter a play, episodic - Type of dramatic structure..not climactic, Genre - French word that means type or category, dramaturg - Does research and reads new plays, critic - Analyzes a play production, chorus - Commented on action in a Greek play, Sophocles - Wrote Oedipus Rex, melodrama - Genre where good always wins over evil, Slapstick - Type of comedy with hitting and punching, Stock - Type of character that is one-dimensional, Romanticism - Said art makes its own rules, gobo - Creates a pattern of light on the stage, trilogy - Three plays connected by theme, amphitheatre - Large circular outdoor theatre, proscenium - Most used type of stage; has a fly loft, neoclassical - Rules created by Italians in the Renaissance, emotional recall - Acting technique by Stanislvasky,

Spelling theatre terms



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