1) What is a lone parent family? a) A family where the children have left home b) A family with one parent c) A family with one child d) A family with no children 2) What is meant by segregated conjugal roles? a) Where men and women have equal roles b) Where men have a job c) Where men are the breadwinner d) Where there is a clear division of domestic labour and tasks - divided by gender 3) Women often have a __________ if they work and do all the household chores a) dual shift b) dual burden c) dual problems d) dual tasks 4) When was same sex marriage introdcued? a) 2014 b) 2009 c) 2013 d) 2010 5) Name of a key Functionalist a) Talcott Parsnip b) Talcott Smith c) Talcott Parsons d) Talcott Parsley 6) Zaretsky is a ____________ a) Marxist b) Feminist c) Functionalist d) New Right 7) What is canalisation? a) How parents channel children towards sports b) How parents force children to work c) How parents channel children towards gendered toys d) How children are brought up 8) What is an empty nest family? a) A family of birds b) A family with no children c) A family where the children have the same bedroom d) A family where the children have left home 9) Adults supporting each other emotionally if their lives are stressful is also known as _________ a) Warm bath theory b) Central heating theory c) Relaxation d) Conjugal roles 10) When was the Divorce Reform Act? a) 1971 b) 2019 c) 1990 d) 1969 11) Before 1971 divorce was allowed only on strict grounds - which of these was a reason? a) Didn't love each other any more b) Adultery c) Wanted to marry someone else d) Wanted a change 12) In the 1990s Sue Sharp found that young women prioritise ________ over love and marriage a) Friends b) Family c) Career d) Partying

Family - Sociology



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