English / ESL Teens to elderly general
हमारे समुदाय (कम्युनिटी) के उदाहरण
'english teens to elderly general' के लिये 10,000+ परिणाम
Places in town
Types of TV programmes and films
लेबल की गयी आकृति
Upper-intermediate - uses of auxiliaries - follow up
मिलता-जुलता खोजे
Pre-intermediate 2 - Firsts and lasts - Detailed task
लेबल की गयी आकृति
Lesson 27 - Production activity
रैंडम व्हील
Upper-intermediate course - Lesson 02 Lead-in
ग्रुप सॉर्ट
Lesson 07 - He, she it, they - Lead in
ग्रुप सॉर्ट
Friday 13th and its (un)lucky symbols
Lesson 04 - Plural nouns - Controlled practice
ग्रुप सॉर्ट
6th grade sports
Verb to BE
वाक्य को पूरा करें
Future - will x going to
Starter 1 - Verbs with nouns phrases - Lead in
ग्रुप सॉर्ट
Verb to be Statements - Startup 1, Unit 1, Lesson 2
वाक्य को पूरा करें
Answer fast! (There is, there are)
रैंडम कार्ड
Subject pronoun + verb to be
वाक्य को पूरा करें
Speaking Booth: USED TO and WOULD
रैंडम व्हील
Lesson 06 - I, you, We - Lead in
ग्रुप सॉर्ट
I wonder 1 - Unit 4
फ्लिप टाईल्स
Time Zones 2 - Teens 3 - What do they look like?
मिलता-जुलता खोजे
QUIZ DA REVISÃO - 1ª série - 2ºbimestre
गेमशो क्विज़
Simple Present - General Conversation about Life
बॉक्स खोलें
Conversation Verb To BE
रैंडम कार्ड
Verb to be - Missing word
वाक्य को पूरा करें
to be going to
मैच अप
In the past, it used to...
रैंडम कार्ड
verbo to be
Conversation - general topics
रैंडम कार्ड
Present Continuous/Present Simple
ग्रुप सॉर्ट
This is?
Verb TO BE - Elementary
'Going to' for future plans
बॉक्स खोलें
Verb to be - unscramble
American vs British English
ग्रुप सॉर्ट
Conditionals Conversation Questions
रैंडम कार्ड
Conversation - Was Were (past of verb to be)
रैंडम व्हील
Be going to - Teens 4
वाक्य को पूरा करें
Animals & Numbers
गुब्बारा फोड़
Verb to Be - Interrogative form | Questions - Missing word
वाक्य को पूरा करें
Simple present questions
रैंडम व्हील
Tell us about
रैंडम कार्ड
places to go
गेमशो क्विज़
Present Perfect UNJUMBLE
Talk about Things You Used to Do
रैंडम कार्ड