1) What is a simile? a) Comparing using as or like b) Words beginning with the same letter or sound c) A question that doesn't need an answer 2) What is breaking the forth wall? a) Speaking to the reader directly b) Saying something is something else. c) Appealing to the emotions of the reader 3) What is a metaphor? a) Using the same words and phrases b) Comparing using as or like c) Comparing something to something else saying it is that thing 4) What is a juxtaposition? a) Discussing mixed feelings b) Contrasting opposite ideas for effect c) Using numbers to back up ideas 5) What is a triple / Rule of 3? a) Using lots of words / ideas in a row. b) Comparing using as or like c) Using 3 words or ideas together 6) What is a triple / rule of 3? a) Using 3 words / ideas in a row. b) Comparing using as or like c) A question that doesn't need an answer 7) What is a noun phrase? a) A naming word b) A describing word c) A describing word and a naming word together 8) Which of these is an example of a noun phrase? a) The hotel was enormous. b) It was an enormous hotel c) The hotel was huge, intimidating and enormous. 9) Which of these is an an example of breaking the forth wall? a) She asked how he was b) They were confused c) What do you think? 10) Which of these is an example of alliteration? a) The trees thrashed back and forth b) The photo flapped in the phenominal wind c) The wind howled and screeched 11) Which of these is an example of a simile? a) The waves crashed and roared b) The students were as quiet as mice c) The mice were statues when the cat entered the room 12) Which of these is an example of a triple / rule of 3? a) The kittens cuddled up, all cozy next to the fire. b) The kittens were fluffy, curious, excitable and clumsy. c) The kittens were cute, cuddly and adorable. 13) Which of these is an example of emotive langugae? a) They were upset b) Her heart broke into tiny pieces c) He cried 14) Which of these is an example of repetition? a) The sad squirrel scurried into the shed b) The tall trees tottered in the torrential rain. c) The tiny dog was vulnerable, his tiny paws were bloody and damaged. 15) Which of these is an example of a juxtaposition? a) The man was tall and overpowering. b) The roaring storm suddenly silenced. c) The woman was excited and happy.

Language Techniques for Paper 1


दृश्य शैली


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