Compass Rose - A symbol on a map that shows direction., Map Scale - A line on a map that is used to identify and measure distance (miles, kilometers, feet, inches)., Map Key or Legend - An area on the map that identifies symbols., Longitude - The distance east or west of the prime meridian that is measured in degrees. , Symbol - A picture or an object that represents different features of a place., Equator - The imaginary east-west line on a globe or a map that is an equal distance between the and North and South Poles; 0° latitude., Latitude  - The distance between the equator and a place north or south of the equator; measured in degrees., Coordinates - A pair of numbers on a globe or map that shows where something is located., Prime Meridian - An imaginary north--south line on a globe or map that runs through Greenwich, England; 0º longitude.,

Map Skills Vocabulary Game



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