stop the jet. , swim in the sun. , Charizard sped! Get 3 points. , can skip and run. , Gyrados slid! Lose 2 points. , step on the bed, slip on the sled , Evee spun! Get 4 points. , I spot a red fox. , The jet sped and spun. , Stop the slug. , Snip from the top. , Pikachu swam! Get 1 point. , skid in the cab, Gus is a slob. , Blastoise can not stop! Lose 2 points. , The slug got wet. , Fennekin dug a stem! Get 4 points. , The van sped to the job. , The pig has 1 spot. , We are snug in bed. .

Pokemon: s-blend phrases and sentences



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