1) Carbon dioxide is taken from what to create organic molecules? a) Trees b) Plants c) Algae d) Ocean e) Dirt f) Humans 2) What contributes to the carbon cycle a) Formation of Rock b) Fossil Fuels c) Oceans d) Plants e) Trees f) Animals 3) What percentage of carbon atoms is in the Human Body  a) 10% b) 15% c) 18% d) 22% e) 26% f) 32% 4) What Processes return CO2 to the Atmosphere a) Fires b) Cellular respiration c) Burning Fossil fuels d) Decomposition e) Photosynthesis  f) Oceans 5) Select all statements that are true a) Autotrophs are carnivores b) Autotrophs capture carbon dioxide from the air   c) Autotrophs capture CO2 from water d) Autotrophs release organic compounds  e) Autotrophs create glucose f) Autotrophs are plants  6) What natural gasses is Earth's atmosphere made of a) Nitrogen b) Oxygen c) Carbon dioxide d) water e) Methane f) Greenhouse gasses 

Bio 10 GH effects & Carbon Cycle



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