Reconstruction Era - period after the Civil War that implemented political and social changes, Radical Republicans - men in Congress who wanted to fulfill Lincoln's Plans, Andrew Johnson - President after Lincoln was assassinated , Black Codes - Laws passed in the South to limit the freedoms of freed blacks, 13th Amendment - abolished slavery in all US States , Ku Klux Klan - terrorist group that targeted freed slaves, 14th Amendment - granted citizenship to all people born in the United States; gave them equal protection , Reconstruction Acts - placed the South under martial law and divided South into 5 districts , Ulysses S Grant - 18th President of the United States, 15th Amendment - allowed all men, regardless of race and color, to vote, Poll Tax - tactic used by South to prevent freed slaves from voting; required them to pay a tax to vote, Literacy Test - tactic used by South to prevent freed slaves from voting; required them to pass a read and write test to vote, Segregation - separated by race; South said they were equal but separate ,




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