Von ____ architecture is the ____ upon which many general purpose ____ are based. The key elements of Von Neumann architecture are:- ____ and instructions are both stored as ____ digits - data and ____ are both stored in ____ memory - instructions are fetched from memory one at a time and in order ____ - the ____ decodes and ____ an instruction, before cycling around to fetch the next instruction - the cycle ____ until no more instructions are available A processor based on Von ____ architecture has ____ special ____ which it uses for processing:- program counter - holds the memory ____ of the next instruction to be fetched from ____ memory - memory address register ____ - holds the address of the current instruction that is to be fetched from memory, or the address in memory to which ____ is to be transferred - memory data register ____ - holds the contents found at the address held in the MAR, or data which is to be transferred to primary ____ - current instruction register ____ - holds the instruction that is currently being ____ and ____ - accumulator ____ – holds the data being ____ and the results of processing The ____ cycle is followed by a processor to process an instruction. The cycle consists of several stages. 1) The ____ address held in the program counter is copied into the MAR. 2) The ____ in the program counter is then ____ (increased) by one. The program ____ now holds the address of the next instruction to be fetched. 3) The ____ sends a signal along the address ____ to the memory address held in the ____. 4) The ____ held in that memory address is sent along the data bus to the ____. 5) The instruction/data held in the MDR is copied into the ____. 6) The instruction/data held in the CIR is ____ and then ____. Results of processing are ____ in the ____. 7) The cycle then returns to step ____. Depending on the type of instruction, additional steps may be taken:- If the ____ is to ____ data held in the ____ back to ____ memory, the intended memory ____ is copied into the ____. The data to be transferred is copied into the ____ and then transferred to the specified address using the address ____ and ____ bus. - The executed instruction may require the ____ to jump to a different place in the program. In this case, the memory address of the new next instruction to be fetched is copied into the program ____. The process then restarts at step ____. Even though today's processors are tremendously ____, their ____ can be affected by a number of factors:- ____ speed - ____ size - ____ of cores ____ speed is the ____ of pulses the central processing unit's ____ clock generates per second. It is measured in hertz. CPU clocks can sometimes be sped up slightly by the ____. This process is known as ____. The more pulses per second, the more ____ cycles that can be performed and the more ____ that are ____ in a given space of time. Overclocking can cause long term ____ to the CPU as it is working harder and producing more ____. ____ is a small amount of ____ random access memory ____ built directly within the ____. It is used to ____ hold ____ and ____ that the processor is likely to reuse. The ____ its cache, the ____ time a processor has to wait for instructions to be fetched. A ____ unit within a ____ is known as a ____. Each core is capable of fetching, ____ and ____ its own instructions. The ____ cores a CPU has, the ____ the number of instructions it can ____ in a given space of time. Many modern CPUs are ____ (two) or ____ (four) core processors. This provides vastly superior processing ____. Processor ____ can be affected by ____ speed, cache ____ and the ____ of cores the ____ has. As well as general purpose ____, there are other types of computer ____. The most common of these are known as ____ systems. An ____ system is a ____ computer that forms part of a larger system, ____ or machine. Its purpose is to ____ the device and to allow a ____ to interact with it. They tend to have one, or a limited ____ of tasks that they can perform. Examples of ____ systems include:- central ____ systems - engine management systems in ____ - ____ appliances, such as dishwashers, ____ and digital phones - digital ____ - electronic ____ - ____ systems - ____ trackers ____ devices are not usually ____ by a user – the programming is usually done beforehand by the ____. However, it is often possible to upgrade the ____ on an embedded device. For example, ____ trackers are embedded ____, but the software can often be ____ by connecting the device to a ____ and installing the new software. ____ systems can have advantages over general purpose ____ in that:- Their limited number of functions means they are ____ to design and ____. - They tend to require ____ power. Some devices run from batteries. - They do not need much ____ power. They can be built using cheaper, less powerful ____.
Von Neumann architecture
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