Chorus - An organized group of singers. Also the name of the singing group at Stricker Middle School. , Choir - similar to a chorus, an organized group of singers. Often specializes in classical and/or sacred music., Conductor - the musical director of a choir or other musical group. Mr. Kintisch is the _____ of Stricker Chorus. , Unison - singing the same thing all at once (no harmonies). We learn to sing _____ well before we sing harmony!, Harmony - two or more notes sounded at once to make a pleasing sound. Rounds are a good way to make _______. , Soprano - the highest sounding voice - often girls/women, or boys with unchanged voices, Alto - the second highest voice in a chorus. Often girls/women or boys with unchanged voice. , Tenor - the third highest voice in a choir. Mr. Kintisch sings ______. , Baritone - the combined part for lower voices in a three part choir. , Bass - the lowest voice in a choir. If you pronounce it right, it means a low singer or a low stringed instrument. Wrong? It's a fish. ,


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