Act One: The three witches meet on the heath, "Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under'it", Lady Macbeth persuade Macbeth to go ahead with the murder of Duncan, Act Two: "Is this a dagger I see before me, the handle towards my hand?", Macduff finds Duncan's body. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth pretend to be shocked., Macduff suspects that Malcolm and Donalbain are responsible, meaning Macbeth will be king., Act Three: Banquo is murdered but Fleance escapes!, "never shake thy gory locks at me", Lennox hints that he believes Macbeth committed the murder., Act Four: "Something wicked this way comes", The witches summon three apparitions., Malcolm and Macduff vow revenge on Macbeth, Act Five : Lady Macbeth is weakened by guilt and sleepwalks., Malcolm orders his army to cut down branches from Birnam Wood to disguise the number of soldiers, "Of this dead butcher and his fiend-like queen",

Macbeth Plot Sort Challenge!


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