Discrimination - When a particular group of people are treated differently and unfairly, Colleague - A person you work with, Braille - A system of printing for the visually impaired, where the letters are printed as groups of raised dots that can be felt with the fingers, Gestures - Movements of parts of the body, e.g. head or hands to express an idea or feeling, Prejudice - Pre-judge a person or situation rather than asking and finding out the facts. You assume (believe without proof) that you know or understand, Culture - The customs, beliefs and ways of life of a particular group of people, Cultural Diversity - Different cultures existing in one larger culture, Sign Language - Any of several visual-gestural systems of communication, as used among the hearing impaired, Cultural Awareness - Understanding and appreciating the differences between yourself and people from other countries or background., Ethnicity - A classification of people based on national origin/culture,

Cultural Diversity - Terms



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