1) What hand do you use to hold the item for a Bracha? a) wuss b) left c) right d) it depends 2) What do we do with a CHATZITZAH? a) wash around it b) remove it c) Dance with it d) take a shower with it 3) What is this on? a) Torah b) Halacha c) Halacha Booklet d) Siddur e) Halacha Torah f) Halacha Siddur 4) where do you put a mezuzah? a) top on left b) middle on left c) bottom on left d) top on right e) middle on right f) bottom on right 5) What do you say when you wash your hands? a) al mitzvat tzitzit b) asher yatzar c) borei pri hagafen d) al netilat Yadayim 6) When do we say it? a) Before we wash our hands b) After we wash our hands c) While we are washing our hands 7) How do we wash our hands in the morning a) 3,3 b) 1,1,1,1,1,1 c) 2,2,2 d) 1,2,3 8) How do we wash our hands for bread? a) 3,3 b) 1,1,1,1,1,1 c) 2,2,2 d) 1,2,3 9) Why are habits important? a) We need them b) Habits shape who we are c) We don't have any!? d) IDK e) IDC 10) How many mitzvot are there? a) 613 b) 7 c) 0 d) 6289 e) 620 11) How many mitzvot did the Rabbi's give? a) 613 b) 7 c) 0 d) 6289 12) Who wrote the Halacha? a) Joseph Karo b) Random Guy c) Lubavitcher Rebbe d) My Teacher 13) So why waste time even debating these issues? Why not let each individual do what he feels comfortable with, and 95% of the time it will turn out that he has what to legitimately rely on? a) Shalom, b) Thank you for your question – it's quite a big one! c) Firstly let me point out that you have put things in an exaggerated light. Are 95% of halachic questions open to receiving both "yes", "no", and "perhaps" answers? When I think of all the questions put to me in the last week or so (tens of questions) it certainly does not seem as if you are correct. For example I was asked about a milk spoon used in a meat soup; the after blessing on rice; using tzadka money for educational needs; and on and on. Most questions have very little debate about them – such as talking in synagogue; saying lashon harah; killing my little brother who really annoys me; etc. There are not three possible answers to each of these issues. So, without resorting to pure rhetoric, let us perhaps examine the core issues of your question. d) The major issue is why is it that there are differing opinions about many halachic issues? This is a big topic – but in short it would be correct to say that halacha is a approach to real life, and as such it allows for many real and varied situations. It understands that not all situations are the same, and that not all people are the same. So it allows for times of need, financial difficulties, embarrassment, personal dignity, situations beyond one's control, illness (both minor and major), emergencies, community needs, and so on. At the other end of the scale, halacha understands that people are not "standard issue", and have the room to grow in their service of G-d. As such there is room for halachic rulings that go beyond the letter of the law, are stringent, more careful, push one further and so on. e) The skill (which hopefully your Rabbi will have) is to apply the correct ruling for the particular person in their unique situation. This takes not only years of learning sources, but also the ability to understand the questioner and their world. This is more of an art than a science. f) This is one of the reasons you will perhaps find differing opinions – not because halacha is an "every option is correct" practice, but because (within the framework of a taxing and rigorous system of holy law) there is a unique aspect of artistic application. 14) What is the purpose of halacha? a) Halakhah, (Hebrew: “the Way”) also spelled Halakha, Halakah, or Halachah, plural Halakhahs, Halakhot, Halakhoth, or Halachot, in Judaism, the totality of laws and ordinances that have evolved since biblical times to regulate religious observances and the daily life and conduct of the Jewish people. b) intelligence c) IDK d) IDC about the answer 15) What do we say borei nefashot after? a) Hadama, Heitz, and mezonot b) Haeitz,Shehakol,Hadama c) Nothing d) Mezonot,Hagafen,Shehakol 16) What does Kidushanu mean? a) and commanded us b) with his mitzvot c) made us holy d) that 17) What does Halacha mean? a) go b) send c) went d) stay put 18) 95% of the time, when you ask a halacha question before you even ask the question you know in advance what the answer will be: one rabbi will say “Yes”; another rabbi will say “No”; and a third rabbi will say “Well, it’s better if you don’t, but if you do it anyway you’re also OK”. Every possible outcome in the end is known to be equally valid from the beginning, since all responders are “proving” their points from valid sources. So instead of Halacha being a system that provides clear and meaningful answers to pertinant questions, all these halachic debates seem to be only like a game of amusement, in which the game itself might be amusing, but the outcome is not really important, since all possible outcomes are equally valid. And if the rule is that you can only ask once, it’s a game of trying to hit the right rabbi on the first shot. a) Shalom, b) Thank you for your question – it's quite a big one! c) Firstly let me point out that you have put things in an exaggerated light. Are 95% of halachic questions open to receiving both "yes", "no", and "perhaps" answers? When I think of all the questions put to me in the last week or so (tens of questions) it certainly does not seem as if you are correct. For example I was asked about a milk spoon used in a meat soup; the after blessing on rice; using tzadka money for educational needs; and on and on. Most questions have very little debate about them – such as talking in synagogue; saying lashon harah; killing my little brother who really annoys me; etc. There are not three possible answers to each of these issues. So, without resorting to pure rhetoric, let us perhaps examine the core issues of your question. d) The major issue is why is it that there are differing opinions about many halachic issues? This is a big topic – but in short it would be correct to say that halacha is a approach to real life, and as such it allows for many real and varied situations. It understands that not all situations are the same, and that not all people are the same. So it allows for times of need, financial difficulties, embarrassment, personal dignity, situations beyond one's control, illness (both minor and major), emergencies, community needs, and so on. At the other end of the scale, halacha understands that people are not "standard issue", and have the room to grow in their service of G-d. As such there is room for halachic rulings that go beyond the letter of the law, are stringent, more careful, push one further and so on. e) The skill (which hopefully your Rabbi will have) is to apply the correct ruling for the particular person in their unique situation. This takes not only years of learning sources, but also the ability to understand the questioner and their world. This is more of an art than a science. f) This is one of the reasons you will perhaps find differing opinions – not because halacha is an "every option is correct" practice, but because (within the framework of a taxing and rigorous system of holy law) there is a unique aspect of artistic application. 19) What is the point of tzedakah? a) Because poor people need money b) Giving tzedakah trains me to think about others
Judiacs Halacha Booklet 1.1
5th Grade
Special Education
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अधिक दिखाएं
कम दिखाएं
यह लीडरबोर्ड अभी निजी है।
पर क्लिक करें इसे सार्वजनिक करें।
इस लीडरबोर्ड को रिसोर्स ओनर ने डिसेबल कर दिया है।
यह लीडरबोर्ड डिसेबल है क्योंकि आपके विकल्प रिसोर्स ओनर से अलग हैं।
पूर्वस्थिति विकल्प
एक ओपन एंडेड टेम्पलेट है। यह लीडरबोर्ड के लिये स्कोर उत्पन्न नहीं करता है।
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टेम्पलेट स्विच करें
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गतिविधि (एक्टिविटी) खेलते समय अधिक फार्मेट दिखाई देंगे।
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