1. I want to learn ____ a car. (водить) 2. She’s a very careful ____. (водитель) 3. What time ____ the film ____? (заканчивается) 4. I enjoy working ____. (один/ сам) 5. There’s a nice ____ to eat near here. 6. Your holiday ____ exciting. (звучит) 7. She ____ work at 9 every morning. 8. It will take an hour ____ to Brighton. 9. It all ____ very happily. 10. I want ____ to drive. (научиться) 11. Leon is a great ____ to live. 12. It ____ fun. (звучит) 13. The weather ____ to improve. ( начинает улучшаться) 14. Try ____ the words you learn. 15. I’m meeting Tim tomorrow ____. (днем) 16. Do you want a glass of ____? 17. I don’t know how it’s going ____. (закончится) 18. It was a really ____ film. (скучный) 19. That ____ like an interesting film. (звучит) 20. She lives ____. (одна) 21. The film was very exciting from the ____. ( с самого начала) 22. I ____ he lives in Leeds. 23. Can I ____ your phone? (воспользоваться) 24. If I drink too much ____, I can’t sleep at night. 25. I need ____ my email.26. I ____ an email ____ Clive this morning. 27. ____ me when you get there. 28. Let’s ____ this evening. (сходим куда-нибудь) 29. I’ll ring you tomorrow ____.( вечером) 30. Swimming is good ____. 31. I joined a ____ this year. 32. What time do you have ____? (обед) 33. Let’s ____ tomorrow morning. 34. It ____ strange to be back in Moscow. 35. There’s good ____ about the economy at last. (новости)36. She ____ really nice. (кажется) 37. I felt much better after a ____. (душ) 38. She has a busy ____ life. 39. I usually ____ for two hours in the evening. 40. I enjoy going to the ____. 41. You can buy ____ online. 42. Try to get some sleep if you’re ____. 43. Can you ____ your address for me?

Outcomes El u2 vocab(16-19)


दृश्य शैली


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