Invertebrates - Do not have a backbone., Vertebrates - Have a backbone., Mammals - Have hair or fur, are warm blooded, give birth to live young, produce milk., Fish - Have fins, have gills to breathe under water, are covered with scales, live in water, are cold-blooded and usually lay eggs, Animals - Complex, multi-cellular organisms that are unable to produce their own food and must obtain it from other organisms., Plants - Complex, multi-cellular organisms that produce their own food by photosynthesis., Reptiles - Have dry scale skin, breathe air, are cold-blooded and usually lay leathery-shelled eggs., Amphibians - Have moist scaleless skin, are cold blooded, live on land and in water, lay eggs and breath oxygen through their lungs., Birds - Have feathers, two legs, two wings lay hard-shelled eggs and are warm-blooded., Insects - Have an exoskeleton,  3 main body parts (head, thorax, abdomen),  have a pair of antennae , 3 pairs of legs and usually one or two pairs of wings,

Classification Year 6


दृश्य शैली


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