1) When is grading feedback required? a) On all assignments & discussions discussions b) On autograded submissions c) On any assignon manuslly graded questions w/points deducted 2) True or False: Assignment feedback should be input into the "Overall Feedback" field in Brightspace. a) True b) False 3) Which of the following is true about Weekly Instructional Feedback? a) It is optional b) It is the same as assignment feedback c) It's feedback provided by instructors in the gradebook on Mondays, Wks 2-5 4) Where should Weekly Instructional Feedback be input? a) In an iDash activity b) In the weekly extra credit column in the gradebook c) In the " Wk #_Grade %" column in the gradebook 5) When are instructors required to grade non-discussion submissions? a) Within 24 hours of submission b) Within 72 hours of submission c) By Wednesday, 11:59 of the following week 6) True or False: Discussions should be graded during the live week. a) True b) False 7) Which of the following step(s] should you take if technical glitches get in the way of grading and other courseroom facilitation expectations? a) Call IT for assistance b) Save the tickets opened by IT for your files c) Reach out to your Program Leader if the issue cannot be resolved immediately for support so the students' needs can be met. d) All these answers are correct

High Flying Grading Practices



दृश्य शैली


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